Recently, ACA delivered a masterclass focusing on BIM in architecture at East Riding College.  In fact, Alex, Kornel and Shinu presented the class to HNC students in Construction and the Built Environment.

BIM Masterclass

What is BIM?

BIM stands for Building Information Modelling. This cutting-edge technology amalgamates all data relating to a building project to create a dynamic 3D model.  Then, we can use that model for simulation and analysis. In fact, it can do a lot more than that. We can use BIM to produce drawings, schedules, written information and much more.

What is so good about BIM?

We use BIM for much more than generating life-like images. For example, it captures the physical and functional characteristics of the design and the relationships between them. That empowers everyone involved in the project to collaborate, share information, and resolve technical issues before construction. Ultimately, BIM is the joined-up solution for design and engineering projects.

BIM Masterclass at East Riding College – What Was Covered?

Primarily we discussed how in-house software, tools and policies used in architectural practice contribute towards BIM. That led to a discussion about the challenges that other construction industry businesses face that prevent them from better BIM collaboration.

BIM Masterclass

BIM Benefits for ACA

  • Visual clarity – we can produce more precise, accurate and consistent drawings
  • Clearer phasing – showing demolition and new construction works
  • Better scheduling – converting data from a model into numerical tables
  • Smarter co-ordination – clash detection
  • Enhanced functionality – technical and construction design
  • Rich data – enabling site/topography analysis
  • Effective presentations – producing more impressive and informative visualisations for final presentation/product

BIM Challenges

  • Utilising software to implement BIM requires training
  • Use of BIM throughout project life requires training for other users
  • Cost of implementation
  • Collaboration among project team

Here at ACA, we always strive to improve workflow for our team and other consultants involved.

BIM Masterclass Feedback

Obviously, we were keen to find out how the masterclass helped the students.  So, we spoke to the college’s Craig Leach:

“Having the opportunity to speak to a progressive company has allowed our students to become engaged further in their studies. They have experienced BIM utilised within the industry on projects that they are aware of locally.

Furthermore, the Q & A session which concluded the fantastic masterclass gave students further insight into areas to develop in their assignments and meet higher grade descriptors through the analysis and evaluation of BIM in greater depth.”

Get In Touch

If you need help with a design project or are looking for a masterclass for your team, give us a call or drop us a line.


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