ACA’s Dementia-friendly Interior Design Refurbishment Complete!

Dementia-friendly Interior Design Refurbishment Wilberforce Health Centre, Hull

ACA’s dementia-friendly interior design refurbishment of Wilberforce Health Centre on behalf of Citycare and Shared Agenda is complete. The client’s brief was to maximize the number of treatment rooms and rationalize the number of associated utilities. ACA’s design team reconfigured the layout of the ground and third floors.

The additional spaces created for clinical services and all building users maximize the overall efficiency of the Health Centre. Thus, the holistic design, spaces and signage of the Health Centre, offer independence to everybody; medical practitioners, staff, visitors and people living with dementia.

For a start, the vibrant colour scheme facilitates orientation and creates a welcoming and comfortable space. The improvements in lighting, colour scheme and visual signage including Braille are subtly all-inclusive, consequently, creating a pleasant and inviting mood. This minimizes confusion with way-finding and spatial orientation while challenging a typical perception of a clinical setting. Above all, way-finding interior design can dramatically help to reduce anxiety levels of anybody who utilizes the building.

Alessandro Caruso, the principal architect and a specialist for dementia design at ACA, says,

‘it was particularly interesting to work through the occupancy data to achieve a rationalization of the consultancy rooms provided. I am delighted to see these two floors of the Health Centre coming to completion’.

To read and see more of this project click here.

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